
Old Spot Pork - sooooooo good!

Sequatchie Cove Farm is back to raising Heritage Breed pigs! Right now we have Gloucestershire Old Spots http://www.gospbc.co.uk/. We stopped raising pigs for a couple of years because working with and raising any animal the right way, - takes - work and time. Now that we have a little extra time, we decided to have pigs once again. Like all of our animals, they are raised outdoors on pasture, and since they are pigs, in the woods next to the pastures. We are using them to create special savanna-like pastures that we will rotate the pigs and layers through. Fresh air, sunshine, rain, and foraging outdoors in the woods under open skies is the life we want our pigs to lead.

Because we milk cows, and cheese is made here on the farm, we always have a little extra milk, lots of whey, and occasionally some cheese that didn't make the grade for the pigs’ feed. During the fall, they have acorns, hickory and walnuts, and their favorite treat - persimmons. This, along with some corn and bad pears, is their diet. Like our chickens, cows, and sheep, and even our fruit and vegetables, the pigs are tended by hand and raised with respect. It is the only way we will have it at Sequatchie Cove Farm and we know you want it that way also. Check out our pork packages with bacon!

Kelsey Keener