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What's GRAIN Got To Do With IT? (Saturday)

The Whens / Wheres:

2nd DISCUSSION: October 22nd - Saturday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

GRAIN SHED CHARRETTE: October 22nd - Saturday 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Where: University of the South, Sewanee

Jessie Ball duPont Library - Torian Room (see image of map below)

Address: 178 Georgia Ave, Sewanee, TN 37383

1st DISCUSSION: October 21st - Friday 7:00 pm to 8:30pm
Where: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC)
Guerry Center Building (see image way below or check out link to map)
Address: 701 Oak Street ,  Building Number: 50821800
Map: Link to UTC Map - Guerry Center

Who - Discussion Leaders:

Scott Nelson, Author of Oceans of Grain, How American Wheat Remade the World

Mike McLain, Regional Manager of King Arthur Baking Company


A panel discussion on an "incredibly timely" global history that journey’s from the Ukrainian steppe to the American prairie to show how grain built and toppled the world's largest empires To understand the rise and fall of empires, we must follow the paths traveled by grain—along rivers, between ports, and across seas. In Oceans of Grain, historian Scott Nelson reveals how the struggle to dominate these routes transformed the balance of world power. Early in the nineteenth century, imperial Russia fed much of Europe through the booming port of Odessa, on the Black Sea in Ukraine. But following the US Civil War, tons of American wheat began to flood across the Atlantic, and food prices plummeted. This cheap foreign grain spurred the rise of Germany and Italy, the decline of the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, and the European scramble for empire. It was a crucial factor in the outbreak of the First World War and the Russian Revolution. It is still a crucial factor in today's geopolitics. Mike McLain will explore and explain the vast details involved in moving grain from the fields to the millis to bread on our plate. How is it financed, how is it actually moved, to where, how stored…

How much:

FREE for all events!


A powerful new interpretation, Oceans of Grain shows that amid the great powers’ rivalries, there was no greater power than control of grain. Does the Grain Trade matter? Hardly anything matters more. Behind so much of today's issues and wars lurks grain. You will never see your daily bread (or history, or politics, or economics, or food, or culture) in the same light. Bring your questions, this presentation is designed to answer the questions or the role of grain both historically and right up to the present.

  • How large is the grain trade today?

  • How many acres of land is devoted to grain production?

  • What happens to the economy and culture when grain prices go up or down? Who benefits, who doesn't?

  • How has grain been financed and insured? How did it all begin?

  • Who has traditionally controlled the movement of grain?

  • How much does grain really matter historically, and now in today's world?

Our Regional Grain/Bread Basket:

Local and regional grain growing, grain breeding, milling, malting, baking and brewing, a whole new food culture is being reinvented all over the world. Following Saturday's presentation there will be a discussion with those interested in taking the next step in the future of grain in our region; - how do we start our own grain shed in this region. If interested in participating in the discussion (lunch will be served 12.30- to 1.30ish ) please email

Come All farmers, academics, restaurants, bakers, brewers, malters, millers, anyone interested in the topic of developing regional grain production system

GRAIN SHED CHARRETTE: October 22nd - Saturday 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Where: University of the South, Sewanee

LINKS to purchase Book:

Scott’s Oceans of Grain, How American Wheat Remade the World

Buy here on Amazon

Buy here on Abe Books

More info and An interview with Scott Reynold Nelson


Sequatchie Cove Farm

Southeast Tennessee Young Farmers

UTC History Department

University of the South Farm and Farm Club

University of the South History Department

Niedlov's Bakery

King Arthur Baking Company

click image to RSVP Oct 22 Event through Eventbrite

click image above to open up address in google maps

After the Panel Discussion with Scott and Mike, we will be taking steps to develop a Regional Grains Shed for our area.